Your event will be advertised on our Recruitment Event Page- Your event will be live for 30 days
- Your event will be viewed by active job seekers visiting our job board
- Over 120,000 job seekers visit our job board per week
- Hundreds of thousands of job seekers are registered to receive our E-Newsletter
- Your event will be included in our E-Newsletter and registered job seekers will receive your event advertisement. The newsletter may be targed by city location.
Social Media
- Your event will be shared in our social media pages including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
3 Easy steps to advertise your event:
- click on BUY
- Pay for the advertisement using your credit card
- Fill out the ad page and post - your event will be live within minutes
FOR PURCHASE ORDER REQUESTS: If you need to pay with purchase order please email us REGISTER@TEACHERJOBFAIRS.ORG please note events will not be advertised until payment is received.