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Company Info
Elsie Whitlow Stokes CFPCS
3700 Oakview Terrace, NE Washington DC 20017
Washington, DC, DC, United States
Web Site
Company Profile
Target Language Teacher (Spanish or French)
Job ID:
Washington, DC, DC, United States
48K-65K per year
Job Views:
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Employment Type:
Full time
: Classroom Teaching level3, Early Childhood Care & Development, Elementary School
Job Description:
Target Language Teacher (Spanish or French)
Essential Responsibilities
Establishes and maintains an appropriate plan of education for all students
Establishes learning goals for students in partnership with parents
Regularly reviews progress toward goals with students, co-teachers, coaches, learning specialist and parents regularly
Holds parent conferences a minimum of three times each year or one individual PTC and 3 APTT meetings. During the meeting teachers and parents should review student progress and at more frequent intervals, as needed.
Instructional/Learning Facilitation
Creates appropriate differentiated learning environment: stimulating, active, safe, respectful, Inquiry based learning
Uses effective, positive, respectful interpersonal communication skills with students, staff and families
Implements school wide curriculum (Writing and Reading workshop, Math Investigations 3, Peace of Mind) through the units of Inquiry and social emotional support.
Prepares lessons, projects and assessments for students
Instructional/Learning Facilitation (Cont)
Implements interdisciplinary activities using an array of community, learning resources and multicultural content
Infuses the PYP language throughout the day
Collaborates with specials teachers to ensure the units of inquiry are transdisciplinary.
Includes actions (social justice and community service) in units of inquiry.
Integrates technology into the curriculum (word processing, electronic mail, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, databases, graphics, Internet, video resources and production) and reference resources of researched information.
Gathers information about students’ behavior and academic performance data
Conduct ongoing assessments to measure students’ academic progress (math signature assessment, reading assessments, etc.)
Collects and use data objectively for instructional decision making
Meets every week with coach, IB coordinator and Learning Specialist to plan IB units of Inquiry
Meets with co-teacher, coach and learning specialist to share data
Implements interventions suggested by Learning Specialist and communicate to team about students' progress
Implements Individual Education Plan (IEP), assesses and monitors student learning outcomes
Contribute to school and individual team development
Attends staff meetings, professional development and recommended training programs
Contributes to implement, supervise and reinforce school wide routines through the year: Morning Line up: 7:50 am, Hallway Transitions during the day, Cafeteria: lunch duty, Dismissal from the classroom to aftercare
Collaborates in at least two school wide events (Science Fair, Heritage Day, Taste of Stokes, Franco Fete, Spelling Bee, Black History Month, etc.)
Completes school surveys in a timely manner
Contribute to Family Engagement and Community Involvement
Attends Family Engagement trainings in order to build sustainable relationships with families
Schedules home visits and inform parents about the purpose of the visit
Conducts home visits to at least 80% of families of current classroom
Enters home-visits data into Flamboyan website
Communicates and maintains regularly positive communication with families
Contribute to Family Engagement and Community Involvement (Cont)
Reflects every two months on-going communications practice and enter information into Flamboyan website
Involves parents in decisions about their children
Plans, designs and creates activities for Goal Setting PTC and APTT meetings
Parent Techer Conferences
Invites parents and schedule individual meetings with parents
Collects data about students' performance on subject areas
Determines goals for student's improvement
Plans, designs and creates activities for Goal Setting PTC and meeting
Presents data of reading levels and math signature assessment
Presents standard and explain activities for parents to work with children at home
Sets goal with parents and let them know when the next meeting to review performance will happen
APTT: Conduct three APTT and one PTC meeting (1
grade teachers)
Invites parents to a meeting
Collects data about students' performance on subject areas
Determines goals for student's improvement
Plans, designs and creates activities for Goal Setting PTC and meeting
Presents data of reading levels and math signature assessment
Presents standard and explain activities for parents to work with children at home
Sets goal with parents and let the group know when the next meeting will be
Professional Development
Participates in all ongoing faculty-wide professional development activities
Participates in all personal and staff-wide performance evaluation activities
Works with coach creating action steps to improve performance as needed
Strives for professional excellence
Other Duties
Maintains classroom organized and help maintain materials accessible for students
Creates a student work display on the classroom bulletin board for each trimester and collaborate with other teachers to create informational bulletin boards for the school (IB related)
Places orders, leave request, field trip request, etc., in a timely manner (Help Desk)
Sends newsletter to families via email every week
Completes plans on weekly plan and IB planner every week
Completes report cards in a timely manner
Attends to IEP meetings if needed
Supervises lunch duties and recess, as assigned
May supervise an instructional assistant or an assistant teacher.
Additional duties as needed
Arrive to school on time
Arrive to PD, school wide meetings on time
Start team meetings on time
Inform co-teacher if you plan to be absent and send plan for next day ahead of time
Job Requirements:
Requisite Skills and Experience:
Requires a minimum of a bachelor's degree in Early Childhood or Elementary Education or equivalent.
Fluency in English and French; or English and Spanish (required for TL teachers).
A minimum of one year of experience teaching young children preferred.
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