Company Info

Elsie Whitlow Stokes CFPCS

3700 Oakview Terrace, NE Washington DC 20017
Washington, DC, DC, United States

Phone: 202.265.7237
Web Site:

Company Profile

English Teacher


Job ID:



Washington, DC, DC, United States 




48K-64K per year

Job Views:


Zip Code:


Employment Type:

Full time




Education: Classroom Teaching level3, Early Childhood Care & Development, Elementary School

Job Description:

Job description

Essential Responsibilities:


  • Establish and maintain an appropriate plan of education for all students
  • Establish learning goals for students in partnership with parents
  • Review progress toward goals with students, co-teachers, coaches, learning specialist and parents regularly
  • Hold parent conferences a minimum of three times each year or one individual PTC and 3 APTT meetings. During the meeting teachers and parents should review student progress and at more frequent intervals, as needed.

Instructional/Learning Facilitation

  • Create appropriate differentiated learning environment: stimulating, active, safe, respectful, Inquiry based learning
  • Use effective, positive, respectful interpersonal communication skills with students, staff and families
  • Implement school wide curriculum (Writing and Reading workshop, Math Investigations 3, Peace of Mind) through the units of Inquiry and social emotional support.
  • Prepare lessons, projects and assessments for students
  • Implement interdisciplinary activities using an array of community, learning resources and multicultural content
  • Infuse language acquisition (English/Target Language) throughout the day
  • Collaborate with specials teachers to ensure the units of inquiry are transdisciplinary.
  • Include actions (social justice and community service) in units of inquiry.
  • Integrate technology into the curriculum (word processing, electronic mail, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, databases, graphics, Internet, video resources and production) and reference resources of researched information.
  • Gather information about students’ behavior and academic performance data
  • Conduct ongoing assessments to measure students’ academic progress (math signature assessment, reading assessments, etc.)
  • Collect and use data objectively for instructional decision making
  • Meet every week with coach, IB coordinator and Learning Specialist to plan IB units of Inquiry
  • Meet with co-teacher, coach and learning specialist to share data
  • Implement interventions suggested by Learning Specialist and communicate to team about students' progress
  • Implement Individual Education Plan (IEP), assesses and monitors student learning outcomes

Contribute to school and individual team development. Duties may include:

  • Attend staff meetings, professional development and recommended training programs
  • Contribute to implement, supervise and reinforce school wide routines through the year:
  • Morning Line up: 8:05 am
  • Hallway Transitions during the day
  • Cafeteria: lunch duty
  • Dismissal from the classroom to aftercare
  • Collaborate in at least two school wide events (Science Fair, Heritage Day, Taste of Stokes, Franco Fete, Spelling Bee, Black History Month, etc.)
  • Complete school surveys in a timely manner

Contribute to Family Engagement and Community Involvement. Duties may include:

  • Attend Family Engagement trainings in order to build sustainable relationships with families
  • Schedule home visits and inform parents about the purpose of the visit
  • Conduct home visits to at least 80% of families of current classroom
  • Enter home-visits data into Flamboyan website
  • Communicate and maintain regularly positive communication with families
  • Reflect every two months on-going communications practice and enter information into Flamboyan website
  • Involve parents in decisions about their children
  • Plan, design and create activities for Goal Setting PTC and APTT meetings


  • Invite parents and schedule individual meetings with parents
  • Collect data about students' performance on subject areas
  • Determine goals for student's improvement
  • Plan, design and create activities for Goal Setting PTC and meeting
  • Present data of reading levels and math signature assessment
  • Present standard and explain activities for parents to work with children at home
  • Set goal with parents and let them know when the next meeting to review performance will happen

APTT: Conduct three APTT and one PTC meeting (1st-5th grade teachers)

  • Invite parents to a meeting
  • Collect data about students' performance on subject areas
  • Determine goals for student's improvement
  • Plan, design and create activities for Goal Setting PTC and meeting
  • Present data of reading levels and math signature assessment
  • Present standard and explain activities for parents to work with children at home
  • Set goal with parents and let the group know when the next meeting will be

Professional Development

  • Participate in all ongoing faculty-wide professional development activities
  • Participate in all personal and staff-wide performance evaluation activities
  • Work with coach creating action steps to improve performance as needed
  • Strive for professional excellence

Other Duties

  • Maintain classroom organized and help maintain materials accessible for students
  • Create a student work display on the classroom bulletin board for each trimester and collaborate with other teachers to create informational bulletin boards for the school (IB related)
  • Place orders, leave request, field trip request, etc., in a timely manner (Help Desk)
  • Send newsletter to families via email every week
  • Complete plans on weekly plan and IB planner every week
  • Complete report cards in a timely manner
  • Attend to IEP meetings if needed
  • Supervise lunch duties and recess, as assigned
  • May supervise an instructional assistant or an assistant teacher.


  • Arrive to school on time
  • Arrive to PD, school wide meetings on time
  • Start team meetings on time
  • Inform co-teacher if you plan to be absent and send plan for next day ahead of time

Job Requirements:

  • A minimun of a bachelor's degree in Early Childhood or
  • Elementary Education or equivalent.
  • Fluency English
  • A minimum of one year of experience teaching young children preferred.