- Teach 4-6 classes of ELD using lesson plans that are differentiated and are designed to engage and challenge students
Collaborate with grade-level teachers and the CLDE Coach to create lessons which reach core standards and are appropriate for multilingual learners at each level
Co-teach and push into classrooms to support instruction for multilingual learners as needed
Participate and contribute to the schoolwide MTSS team in monitoring schoolwide academic progress
Utilize, refine, and implement existing ELD Plan across the school – serving students in grades K-8
Manage a formalized student and parent engagement plan that details engaging students and parents, as well as provides for metrics to measure growth and development, socially and academically, on a trimester basis
Design a wide range of performance assessments aligned with lesson plans, instruction, unit objectives, appropriate pacing guides and CO state standards
Administer, analyze and reflect upon quantitative and qualitative student data (schoolwide benchmark data and classroom data) to inform instructional practice
Communicate with, teach and build relationships with students and their families in the culturally and linguistically diverse Vega community
Collaborate and be a positive “team player” with colleagues, parents and community members to affect the best outcomes for students
Differentiate instruction according to varied learning styles and child cognitive and social development
Commitment to become an active participant in the school community – attending school events, extracurricular activities, field trips and conduct home visits