Company Info

Williamsburg Charter High School

198 Varet Street
Brooklyn, NY, United States

Phone: 7187829830
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Company Profile

NYS Certified French Language Teacher (9-12)


Job ID:



Brooklyn, NY, United States 



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Employment Type:

Full time



Job Description:

Position Description

The ideal Williamsburg Charter High School teacher will provide our students with rigorous instruction. They will be responsible for the following:
Teacher as Student Advisor
As students transition to high school, one of the things they could lose is the comfort of having a teacher who understands their background, challenges, and successes. Research has shown that this relationship is a key part of having students feel accounted for and by extension, accountable. In support of our students, our teachers are also Advisors to between 12-15 students for the duration of their high school careers. This allows the teacher to become a part of the developmental process of their students and allows each family to have a primary contact within the school at all times. Advisors serve students and families by:
  • Taking complete ownership of the academic, behavioral, and overall success of a group of 12-15 students
  • Ensuring advisees are in attendance, punctual, excelling in all their classes, and seeking out appropriate support
  • Creating an advisory period that acts as a ‘home base’ for each student
  • Being the academic expert on each advisee
  • Acting as the liaise between the student, the family, and the school teams
  • Teaching the advisory curriculum that has been created for their advisees’ grade
  • Accompanying advisees on educational field trips as determined by the School Leader
  • Contacting their advisee’s families, a minimum of seven times a year and responding within 24 hours to all communications from their advisee’s families
  • Developing and overseeing Individual Student Support Plan plans twice a year for each of their advisees
  • Facilitating discipline-related required meetings on behalf of their advisees
  • Performing any other advisor-related duties as requested
Ensuring Student Learning Through Data-driven Instruction:
·       Prepare rigorous, student-centered lesson plans that will engage and motivate students to learn
·       Plan standards-based units of study with clear, intended outcomes and goals in mind
·       Provide meaningful feedback on student work to determine student progress and to make suggestions for improvement
·       Proactively and relentlessly seek new ways to promote student learning
·       Create thoughtful, standards-based assessments
·       Work closely with school leaders and colleagues, using data to drive instruction and by extension, consistently raising student achievement and intervening with improvement plans and support for struggling students
·       Have fun and pass the love of learning onto students!
  • Design opportunities for students to use the world around them as a classroom through field trips and or/inviting guests into the classroom as appropriate
  • Hold students to high behavioral and academic expectations and support students to succeed
  • Model professional and collegial behavior for students
  • Engage in the process of collaborative evaluation with school leaders
  • Ensure that students are well-prepared for all New York State exams and WCHS interim assessments
Personal Commitment to On-Going Learning
·       Participate in all assemblies, meetings, school-sponsored events, and professional development activities offered during or after work hours
·       Participate in focus groups, evaluations, and committees as requested to assist with the constant improvement of the school as a whole
·       Participate and support WCHS open-door classroom policy, allowing parents and teachers, and other stakeholders to informally observe your work and actively seeking to observe the work of your colleagues for professional development
Positively Contributing to Student and Teacher Culture
  • Arrive at school no later than 7:55 AM (to ensure that the classroom is clean, supplies are prepared, and the instructor is ready to receive students) and leave no earlier than 3:10 PM (to hold necessary interventions, hold office hours, attend school meetings, and to ensure that students that need extra help are able to receive it).  Even with these times parameters in mind, we ultimately seek educators that will simply do whatever it takes and will work relentlessly to ensure each student’s learning is maximized
  • Teach four class periods per school day
  • Serve two periods of School Service per week as determined by his/her supervisor (e.g., Study Hall supervision, cafeteria duty, hallway duty, monitoring of student entry and exit, etc.)
  • Cover at least five periods per semester for absent teachers
  • Proactively involve the student’s family in their learning through regular communications including (but not limited to):  weekly informal communication via emails, notes, telephone calls, and meetings
  • Realize that although student achievement is central to our work, Williamsburg Charter High School graduates are not just academically well-prepared, but also good citizens of their community. The cornerstone of our ideology is based on providing students with life skills and a sense of responsibility to their community in addition to an excellent education
  • Share expertise and curriculum with colleagues
  • Respond to all school-related communications within 24 hours, including but not limited to voicemails and emails, from Williamsburg Charter High School faculty and staff (including supervisors and other teachers)

Job Requirements:

Qualifications, Education, and Credentials
·       Bachelor’s degree
·       At least two years of experience teaching in an urban high school setting 
·       New York State Certification to teach grades 7-12 
·       New York State Fingerprint clearance