Company Info

Cardinal McCloskey Community Charter School

115 E. Stevens Avenue
Valhalla, NY, United States

Phone: 9149978000
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Company Profile



Job ID:



Bronx, NY, United States 


Education, Nonprofit-Social Services


$125,000.00 per year

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Job Description:

The Cardinal McCloskey Community Charter School Principal will serve as a central leadership figure within the school and is the instructional leader of the school. The Principal will work closely with, and report directly to the Board of Trustees. The Principal will be fully conversant with the Sanctuary Model and will lead the school in utilizing its principles. The Principal is the administrator and educational leader of the school and bears a responsibility for the continuous operation of the school and all matters that concern the school including student achievement.

 Position Responsibilities:
  • Responsible for the overall instructional program of the school, its development, delivery and assessment.
  • Oversees the issues that concern the school as a whole and will facilitate communication and build consensus among teachers, staff and families in support of the school’s mission.
  • Recruits and hires all staff.
  • Maintains open communication with the school’s authorizer and is the liaison between SUNY’s Charter Schools Institute and the Charter School Board. Oversee production of all required reports to the school’s authorizer and submits reports subject to Board’s approval.
  • In the first year, the Principal serves as special education and Title I coordinator as well as directly implements and oversees the ESL program. The Principal’s responsibilities will include observing, coaching and developing ELL teachers in Year One.
  • Fosters a collaborative leadership culture and a shared decision making structure among the school’s leadership team which includes the Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Director of Special Student Services, Director of School Culture, Director of Operations and Parent and Community Relations Coordinator.
  • Instrumental in developing a larger vision for the future direction of the school, in collaboration with the Board, while continuing to support and encourage the mission of Cardinal McCloskey Community Charter School in its day to day operations.
  • Ultimately responsible for integration of the Sanctuary Model throughout the school.
  • Responsible for the success of all school programs and will ensure that the school is in compliance with its approved charter, board policies, appropriate governmental statues, its authorizer’s and NYSED regulations and all other applicable laws and regulations.
  • Accountable for the attainment of student achievement goals for all students and for the school to achieve and maintain good standing designation by its authorizer as well as the continual renewal of its charter.
  • Communicates the vision of the school to the public and the press and represents the school to parents, community leaders and the general public.
  • Works with the school’s Parent Organization to ensure that parents and guardians are engaged in all aspects of the life of the school.
  • Oversees and, with support of the Director of Operations and Office Manager, implements the parent outreach and student recruitment process.
  • Works directly with the contracted accounting professionals and contracted bookkeeper (later a full time bookkeeper) to ensure financial stability, sound fiscal planning, effective asset management and full compliance with government and charter audit requirements.
The Principal will have knowledge and understanding of:
  • Cardinal McCloskey Community Charter School’s vision and mission including its commitment to integrating the Sanctuary Model into the school’s programs.
  • Child and adult learning and development, the teaching-learning process and educational change.
  • The Sanctuary Model and its integration into K-12 learning environments
  • Charter school models, accountability frameworks and other issues related to charter school management. Preferably, the Principal will have experience working in a charter school.
  • Relevant research findings and strategies for using data to develop, implement, and maintain the school vision.

Job Requirements:

Expected Qualifications and Training:
  • A minimum of 3 years of experience in an educational or related organizational setting as a Principal or similar role, with a strong knowledge of leadership principles and practices gained through work experience and formal education;
  • At least five years of experience as a teacher in an urban school environment with a high need student population with a demonstrated record of raising student achievement;
  • New York State School Building Leader or School District Leader Certification preferred;
  • Exceptional understanding of instructional practices including those related to delivery of instruction, development of curriculum and assessment of student performance;
  • Exceptional speaking and writing skills;
  • Experience overseeing programs for and teachers of Special Education and ELL students;
  • Experience or familiarity with the Sanctuary Model and/or experience in a trauma-sensitive learning environment;
  • Strong business and operational knowledge and skills;
  • Exceptional interpersonal skills and an effective communicator and strong motivator;
  • A visionary who is a strong and confident decision-maker;
  • Facility with computer technology in gathering information and coordinating technical resources for students, teachers, and classrooms;
  • Certification in the Danielson Framework for Teaching is preferred, but not required.
Demonstrated capacity and experience in the ability to:
  • Implement the instructional program of the school.
  • Use shared decision-making effectively in the management of the school.
  • Work collaboratively with the school community to develop and maintain a shared school vision.
  • Ensure that decision-making regarding instructional programs and school operations are consistent with and supportive of the school vision.
  • Manage members of his or her leadership team
  • Foster a caring, growth-oriented environment for faculty and students, one in which high expectations and high standards for student achievement and growth will be emphasized.
  • Manage fiscal resources responsibly, efficiently, and effectively.
  • Manage human resources responsibly by selecting and inducting new personnel appropriately, assigning and evaluating all staff effectively, and taking other appropriate steps to build an effective school staff.
  • Facilitate school-based research and use these and other research findings to plan school improvement initiatives, pace the implementation of these changes and evaluate their impact on teaching and learning.
  • Engage in community outreach and marketing to drive student recruitment efforts.
Our Mission:
The mission of Cardinal McCloskey Community Charter School is to address the academic, social-emotional and developmental needs of its students in a safe, supportive and trauma-sensitive learning environment.  Cardinal McCloskey Community Charter School is committed to serving at-risk students, including students in foster care and students receiving preventive services.  Through a rigorous program of instruction utilizing a trauma-informed, Sanctuary approach and by providing a wide range of wraparound support services, Cardinal McCloskey Community Charter School will help each student become more resilient, independent and academically successful.

During its first five year contract, CMCCS will serve K-5th grade students, and thereafter, will expand through 8th grade.  CMCCS will be a separate 501c3 education corporation which will work closely with Cardinal McCloskey Community Services.  The school will open in August 2018.

CMCCS is committed to the practice of trauma-informed care in accordance with the tenets of Sanctuary through utilizing the SELF framework for Sanctuary practice and promulgating Sanctuary training and trauma-informed clinical treatment.