Company Profile

Company Info

Oak Grove School
220 West Lomita Dr
Ojai, CA, United States

Phone: 805-646-8236
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Company Description:

Founded in 1975 by renowned philosopher and teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti, our unique approach to education has been a model for educators around the world. Oak Grove fosters an environment where students are encouraged to ask deep questions that flower from a truth within. Located in the city of Ojai, located 90 minutes north of Los Angeles, minutes away from the mountains and the Ventura coast. Oak Grove's expansive 150-acre wooded campus, along with our focus on self-understanding, offers a safe space for deep inquiry, affectionate communication, and openness in the face of challenge, while infusing our days with a sense of ease and joyfulness. The Art of Living and Learning expresses several overarching themes embedded in our school’s culture, curriculum, classroom practice, and expectations of student learning.

Our Early Childhood Program

Our Early Childhood Program provides students with an opportunity to learn and practice the essential problem-solving and communication skills that they will use throughout their schooling. We deeply value play as the work of childhood and see children as capable and competent. Through collaborative and inquiry-based curriculum, students develop a sense of independence and empathy while also gaining critical thinking skills and foundational academic knowledge. Our teachers create nurturing environments that support the unique age and stage of each grade level while highlighting the magic of early childhood.

2nd Grade Teacher Position

In 2nd grade, teachers balance academics with mastery of fundamental skills in critical and creative thinking. Beautiful classrooms and time exploring nature alongside each other and skilled teachers provide a safe environment for expanding important skills in relationship building and conflict resolution. Project-based learning and emergent curriculum allows students to dive deeply into subjects, learning alongside teachers.

Jobs by Oak Grove School
Results: 1 Job
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2nd Grade Homeroom Teacher Oak Grove School Ojai, CA 03.28.2024