Company Profile

Company Info
Explore Schools
20 Jay Street, Ste#211
Brooklyn, NY, United States

Phone: (929)-675-5613
Web Site:

Company Description:

Explore Schools is a network of public charter schools providing 2,000 students in Brooklyn with the outstanding education they deserve. Our goal is to provide students with curriculum and instruction that is both standards-aligned and culturally responsive. Our approach is designed to provide the conditions that nurture students as critical thinkers and natural problem-solvers. As an organization we are committed to engaging in work that disrupts and roots out systems and structures that perpetuate white supremacy. We intentionally seek to build and maintain a diverse and talented team that reflects the backgrounds and experiences of our students and creates an inclusive environment for all employees.

Jobs by Explore Schools
Results: 1 Job
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Title (show detailed) Location Posted Down
Elementary Teacher Explore Schools Brooklyn, NY 01.14.2025