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CIVICA Career & Collegiate Academy
301 Centennial Dr
Milliken, CO, United States

Phone: 970-614-5521
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Company Description:

Through strong and consistent character development, core academics delivered by skilled instructors, and industry-specific courses taught by industry professionals to develop college and career readiness, CIVICA students will be prepared to enter college or the workforce upon high school graduation.


CIVICA of Colorado College and Career Academies is modeled on the City of Hialeah Education Academy (COHEA) in Hialeah, Florida. COHEA was founded by then mayor of the City of Hialeah, Julio Robaina. The school opened in August of 2008 with 97 students and Mr. Carlos Alvarez as the principal. Mr. Robaina’s vision was to open a middle/high school on ground owned by the city that housed a police sub-station, fire station, and fire training academy. Criminal Justice, Firefighting, and Emergency Medicine were among the first Career Academies at the school. COHEA now offers the original academies as well as Mass Communications, Law and Legal Studies, Education, and the AP Advanced Academy. COHEA’s grades 6-12 student population is approaching 1,000 students, the same size as Roosevelt High School.

The success of the COHEA model led its founding principal, Mr. Alvarez, to form a charter school network and replicate the model. The Hialeah, Florida City Council is the Board of Directors for COHEA; therefore, COHEA cannot license its branding, logos, and school model in the way a traditional charter school would. (In Florida, municipalities can authorize charter schools.) CIVICA will be the inaugural school in the CIVICA network. The CIVICA network is a non-profit organization, as will be all the affiliated charter schools, including CIVICA Colorado.

Mr. Alvarez is using Academica, a charter school support services provider, to assist in developing the network. COHEA has maintained a business services contract with Academica since its inception in 2008. Academica provides bookkeeping, budgeting, human resources, and other business services at the request of charter school boards. Academica currently services more than 200 charter schools across the United States, including two in Colorado with Colorado-based employees.

Jobs by CIVICA Career & Collegiate Academy
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Teacher CIVICA Career & Collegiate Academy Milliken, CO 03.09.2022