A U.S. News & World Report Bronze School recipient, Altoona High is one of the state's best-equipped high schools with a comprehensive curriculum to match. The core academics curriculum cluster combines the rigor and theory of an academic program with hands-on learning activities, career exploration and occupational experiences from grades 9-12. AP Courses, School-to-Work Program, Service Learning Program, and an Alternative Ed Program are just some of the opportunities available to students. Our Junior High program courses are offered at the honors, academic, core academic and co-teaching levels. Co-taught courses provide a maximum level of instructional support and differentiated interventions.Teachers supplement classroom activities through "anytime/anywhere" wireless Internet and network access. Technology in our secondary levels are entirely 1:1. At the Elementary level, students are provided with high standards, a curriculum framework which enhances learning and fair assessments aligned to Pennsylvania Core standards. Full day Kindergarten and an Early Intervention Preschool program prepare young students for educational success. Districtwide, a full time in-house Cyber Academy is available K-12.