Learning Education is a English lanaguage training center base in Shanghai, China and been in opperation since 2001. We aim to be the most respected and effective English language training provider in China, helping students to improve the quality of their English by delivering internationally recognized content through professionally trained teachers.
Our school is equipped with modern facilities and up to date technology as well as a variety of course materials popular with both teachers and students. Every step of a young learner’s journey in our schools has been thoughtfully planned for and no matter what the age or level, both teachers and students will have an experience that matches their needs and expectations.
We have over 25 campuses all across Shanghai, and are opening more schools in other cities. As a teacher you will be assigned to a single location, teaching mainly young learners aged 3 to 12 years old. Each student is placement tested on entering the school which means students studying together have the same level of English. Class sizes are kept small to ensure real progress is made.