CLI is a mission-driven organization that is committed to embracing the diverse array of individuals who comprise our team. We draw inspiration for innovation from the children we serve and from educators, administrators, and the work-at-large. Founded in Philadelphia, PA 30 years ago, CLI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides educators with training and coaching in the most effective practices for early literacy instruction for prekindergarten through third grade. CLI’s work has been validated by prestigious organizations and has garnered national attention. CLI’s proven theory of action shows that when teachers receive the right combination and intensity of training and coaching, they can become exemplary instructors who make an impact in helping children achieve. Our workshops and institutes build teachers’ understanding of literacy and the art and science of teaching children how to read and write. By focusing on professional skills that improve over time and are not lost when administrations, buildings, or curricula change, CLI helps create a sustainable, school-wide culture of literacy that introduces students to the joys of reading, writing, and life-long learning.